Thursday, February 17, 2011

Since November

Since the DMSA test in November...Meghan had to have the deflux bladder procedure.  It was a success.  The urine is not reflexing anymore!!!!!  Which means NO MORE DAILY ANTIBIOTIC!!!!!  We still have to cath, but that's okay.  Feeding therapy is going great.  Sarah gave us a Pigeon nipple to try.  It has made a world of difference in how Meghan drinks her bottle.  She has even gained 3-4 pounds!!  They were really concerned about her not gaining weight.  Neuro is watching her head size again.  It's possible that the shunt may be taking off too much fluid.  At least her shunt is programmable so if it needs to be changed it can be done in the office.  They said since it has been the same for 3 visits in a row that we can come back in May.  Meghan may have eye surgery in March.  We will find out definitely on March 9. She can sit pretty much by herself now.  She is eating mostly table food now!!  The sitter has been feeding her ravioli, pop tarts, string beans, beanie weanies, etc!!!  She does not like the sippy cup so far, but we will keep trying.  

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Ray and I were married on October 12, 1997.  We have 3 beautiful daughters, Tiffany (17), Jennifer (11) and Meghan (14 months).  Ray is a tobacco farmer.  Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would be living on a farm!!  But I wouldn't change a thing about it! We thought our family was complete until I found out I was pregnant with Meghan.  Ray says life is tough living in a house full of women, but I think he loves it!!